Friday 23 September 2016

Ye Tudor Tower Blocke

Made from finest English yew and oak
Standing tall, her quality bespoke

Her fifty floors are smoothed with daub and wattle
She rises proud and slender as a bottle

Ivy-covered and topped with thatch
Home to summer swallow and nuthatch

She is higher than the tallest tree
The shining jewel of London’s liberty

For pilgrim, knight or royal VIP
A priceless gift: peace and security

For wealthy merchant, squire or nobleman
A slice of London glamour, bought off plan

Here the cool and fashionable invest
For who would not desire an eagle's nest?

Exotic pleasures follow from their lease
The nightly chatter of Winchester geese

Turning his wooden crank, the spit rotator
Will hoist you upwards in the elevator

Enjoy the city spreading out below
The sparkling river Thames and Shakespeare’s O

We have the perfect place to meet and greet
So raise your tankard in the Marlow suite

For those who wish to keep their bodies trim
The building has a jousting mini gym

Before you leave, we hope that you will stop
To fill your trencher in Ye Turnip Shoppe

A high-rise chapel offers benediction
Except to those of Papist disposition!

Or, in ceaseless prayer from morn to night
To save your soul, a private anchorite

Just as man is host to flea and louse
Your animals are welcome in this house

A well-swept stall for stallion and mare
The freshest straw, because our ostlers care

Ye South Banke is now a national treasure
A favoured spot for tourism and leisure

Here from far and wide the people flock
To see a show or fighting bear or cock

To raise the roof, or fornicate or drink
And hear the groaning prisoners in the Clink

Pause here to freshen up and change your ruffle
Before enjoying theatre or brothel

Whether you dine on venison or pottage
We know that you will love our aerial cottage!

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