Thursday, 27 January 2011

Ode to Rupert

To Tom

And so, the old Moloch is moving in
His sterile mission to accumulate –
His burnt offerings are being prepared –
To monetise the assets of the state

Britain's being re-made for millionaires –
A Rupert-friendly Big Society –
The asset-strippers waiting at the gates
We're all in this together – except me

He would place a pay gate up in heaven
So as to exclude the poor, if he could
He's widening the eye of the needle
Murdoch is a Puritan; greed is good

There's plenty of sweet prey for the old beast
The problem in Britain is quality
He does satellite slush, sport and crap news
They buy a licence – for the BBC!

He likes the sneer of the playground bully
Requires his papers to pick on the meek
The world is merely his Monopoly board
I think I'll buy a new country this week

Eton Dave is putting the hours in
He is carefully crafting a new breed
A nation of servile proletarians
And country houses, where the rich succeed

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