Friday, 29 June 2012


with love to dad, a present from the Rhine
from the last trip that you were allowed on
found in the attic, a cracked old stein
a relic of your youthful rebellion
it is the prerogative of youth to rage
how we laugh at our parents’ tacky crap
I did. I was a hippy at that age –
there were musicals before there was rap
we offend our children, they will theirs
we call upon the young to show decorum
they call us nerds, or straights, or squares
do not go out like that, we implore them
we leave our past, but then, it comes back
nostalgia is in. Grey is the new black

Nunhead cemetery open day

There’s headless Harry or at least his ghost
The street that was blitzed by an air raid
The boy VC who died, too soon, at his post
They are runners up in life’s parade
Inscriptions plead for a future life
Upstairs but, then, there is downstairs as well
Dear, x, a devoted husband, or wife
Deserves to be in heaven .... not hell
Like primed fuses in the burial ground
It is in nettle and white campion
Not the graves that eternity is found
Life, not death, is time’s true champion
There is no heaven or hell, only now
See it is breaking through each neat row

Thursday, 28 June 2012


With leather jacket and sneering lip
They dictate to us in articles and lists
What is uncool this week and what is hip
They are merely cultural narcissists
They see the world through a cracked prism
Probably they were bullied at school
Their dogma is based upon solipsism
Don’t jab your stained finger at me you fool
You tattoed hairy men and inky scribes
It doesn’t make me inferior, or ‘gay’
Just because I don’t rave about your tribes
I do not like (insert name here) OK!
Take your lists and nail them to a church door
Like Martin Luther did, you total bore

It's about a fellow called Tony Parsons but somehow the subject morphed into Martin Luther (left). Weird. I think that all fanaticism is essentially the same and it is almost always masculine. Not that I don't have my own fanaticisms but I don't mind if people don't share them

Monday, 25 June 2012


To the memory of my dear mother, pastry ace

A feigned illness was all that it took
On most mornings to get me off school
With a vague tummy ache, I watched you cook
And licked the sweet mixture from the bowl
Carefully, you rolled out each hour
The world had contracted to just us
Your practised hands melded butter and flour
To fulfilment – perfect happiness
Surely, it is an act of faith to bake
A lesson in travelling hopefully
But the mixture tastes better than the cake
You would observe, ironically
For our elevenses, we were two
Wrapped in a circle of light, me and you