Please do not blame me for being old.
The apple falls from the tree.
It just happened. It was like gravity.
Once, spinning in euphoria
I rode on everything.
The horizon did not interest me.
My years are like your seconds.
Decades passed. It was not meant.
You rise, slowly, to the top
of the Big Dipper. And then ... the descent.
While I was not looking
my life seemed to fall away.
The sounds and colours that are strange to you
once were a novelty
Please do not blame me for being old.
It just happened. It was like gravity.
The apple falls from the tree.
It just happened. It was like gravity.
Once, spinning in euphoria
I rode on everything.
The horizon did not interest me.
My years are like your seconds.
Decades passed. It was not meant.
You rise, slowly, to the top
of the Big Dipper. And then ... the descent.
While I was not looking
my life seemed to fall away.
The sounds and colours that are strange to you
once were a novelty
Please do not blame me for being old.
It just happened. It was like gravity.