Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Osama – an invitation

Live in a nice cottage, a cave perhaps
Your staring eyes will arouse no fear
You can be a bigot without mishaps
It's regarded as quite normal up here

The wild moors will be your panorama
You can mumble death threats into your beard
Watch on your video a hate-filled drama
Stew in your bile; no-one will think it weird

Isolation will feed your extremism
Trips into town for a library book
Christianity and Islam – the schism
In the pub, a seat in the inglenook

In time, you will appreciate our ways –
Our stone churches, plain and austere
The dreary repetition of our praise
Our religion is bitter, like our beer


No Mind said...

Lovely line -
"The dreary repetition of our praise
Our religion is bitter, like our beer"

willh said...

Thanks Mr Zen. The comic muse

No Mind said...

All that sand in your pants with scant else to sit on but a spiky boulder is bound to arouse anger in all but the divine.