Saturday, 31 May 2008


It's Saturday morning here in south-east London. On Sunday I am fifty years old. It doesn't seem possible but it's true. Last night, I dreamed that I was blogging and this morning I accidentally stumbled into one while surfing the net so here goes. I am a journalist. I toil each day in the word mines. When not at work (usually) I write my own words – poems and novels mainly. My magazine is called Environmental Health News. I have been a journalist since I arrived in London twenty-two years ago. First I was a freelance, then I worked for a series of magazines. I have a limited expertise in some of the areas I write about, not in others. I write about other stuff too and some of my interests (local government, housing, urban regeneration) are quite nerdy. I love my job. Working in publishing is fun. I have a daughter who is 18 this summer and a grandson. They live with me in this nice house with its little back yard. I don't know how this blogging thing is going to work out. But I am going to have a go at it.

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