Thursday, 13 September 2012

Pavement Trapeze with Special Brew


In the winter where do all the tramps go?
In their dark suits of mildewed plaid
We shy away from them, we would not follow

Gentlemen of the road, they like to bellow
Their battered top hats are tattered and frayed
In the winter where do all the tramps go?

A whimsical advertisement for Special Brew
Their pavement trapeze makes us afraid
We shy away from them, we would not follow

We would not smoke their hand-me-down tobacco
Of minor catastrophes their lives are made
In the winter where do all the tramps go?

If we offered our help, they might say no –
We live in fear of the tramp’s tirade
We shy away from them, we would not follow

When we are in the warm and the first snow
On the rooftops and velvet fields is laid
In the winter, where do all the tramps go?
We shy away from them, we would not follow

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