Monday, 27 December 2010


There is nothing that men don't do
Competitively – snorkelling
Growing dahlias, the shot put
And of course, stand-up comedy –
Desperation and testosterone

All over the planet are bores
Dogmatists, didacts, fanatics.
They are tuning their Fiestas
Fiddling with things in their sheds
Re-booting their precious hard drives

The religious ones are the worst
Bearded Jehovans, banning kites
Or stopping girls going to school
Spreading, from their pulpit or cave
The tedious dogma of God's word

Even the chefs are at it now
The sweaty know-alls are doing
Molecular gastromomy
Foraging in the forest, or
On the seashore, like some extreme sport

Thank god poetry is immune
From men waving their dicks around
In the air, like pathetic flags
Some do, actually; it's shame
But no-one has killed yet for beauty.

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