Friday, 29 April 2011

Royal Wedding

NB For a musical version of this poem, please click on My songs above

Let bells ring out from every steeple
For Arab kings who kill their people
Peers in ermine, standard bearers
Titled flunkeys, cassock wearers
The oligarchy and its muscle
Doing the Royal Wedding hustle

The BBC on bended knee
Lends a hushed servility
To this ritualised display
Of social inequality
Members of the fourth estate
Drooling at the rich man's gate

Old queens and aristos merge
There's Elton John, the demiurge
The orange, warbling royal pal
Sang at Diana's funeral
Wealth is the only qualification
For his elevated station

Cheers announce from every place
The dregs of a degraded race
The idle rich and hangers-on
In this ghastly marathon
Behind the gilded palace door
They are scroungers, not the poor

1 comment:

Fergus said...

Oh, bravo, Will. That was excellent. Well said.