Thursday, 11 April 2013

Ms Whiplash

Maggie Thatcher closed the mines
And beat up men on picket lines
Dumped the poll tax on the poor
Sent the bailiffs to the door
Maggie champion of greed
Leader of our bulldog breed

Maggie was a master thief
Stole the fillings from your teeth
Gave the rich a holiday
Left us with austerity
Maggie crying in her car
Cold eyes of Caligula

Maggie friend of guts and gore
Took us to a vicious war
The Belgrano sailed away
But she sank it anyway
Maggie heroine of hate
Blood on her bone china plate

Mandela was a ‘terrorist’
Never on her Christmas list
Fought the ‘enemy within’
Gave intolerance a spin
No one looks at me that way
She's our fuckin queen OK

Don’t apply if you are black
Shoot a gypsy in the back
Wear a crisply-knotted tie
As you screw society
Steal the assets of the state
Leave compassion at the gate

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