Thursday, 30 January 2020

Today is Thursday

So, you go out less – of course you do.
You want to. Bench press, power walks by the cemetery
but mainly you don’t. It’s not that you are lazy.

It’s just that, the horizon is approaching.
If you got there, you would spend less time here.
Also, there is the small matter of gravity.

And so the soft shoe shuffle to the shop.
Holmes and Schofield are battling –
pygmies warring over Perspex

baboons flinging their own excrement.
Brexit, the ever-shrinking economy
the assault of crass, vulgar stupidity.

It all matters, but what can you do
now that you are living outside the tent?
Most importantly, today is Thursday.

The peanut fight of squirrel and parakeet
is more interesting than most TV.
The bird table is my Serengeti.

Zealots attack the political centre.
Through the megaphone of social media
comes the rancid anger of the true believer.

Is it just me? This winter seems darker
Walk to the shop. Same face greets me
Most importantly, today is Thursday.

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